Glossary Letter O

O'Neill Cylinder - An O'Neill cylinder is an orbiting space colony composed of two large cylinders that rotate in opposite directions to replicate the effects of Earth's gravity.

O2C - Order to cash (OTC or O2C) is a set of business processes that involve receiving and fulfilling customer requests for goods or services.

OA and M - OA&M (operations, administration, and management) is a general term used to describe the costs, tasks involved, or other aspects of operating, administering, and managing something such as a computer network.

OA&M - OA&M (operations, administration, and management) is a general term used to describe the costs, tasks involved, or other aspects of operating, administering, and managing something such as a computer network.

OA&M (operations, administration, and management) - OA&M (operations, administration, and management) is a general term used to describe the costs, tasks involved, or other aspects of operating, administering, and managing something such as a computer network.

OAB (offline address book) - An Offline Address Book is a downloaded copy of a Microsoft Outlook user's address list which allows the user access to email addresses when disconnected from Exchange Server.

OASIS - OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards) is a nonprofit, international consortium whose goal is to promote the adoption of product-independent standards for information formats such as Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), Extensible Markup Language (XML), and Hypertext Markup Language (HTML).

OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards) - OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards) is a nonprofit, international consortium whose goal is to promote the adoption of product-independent standards for information formats such as Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), Extensible Markup Language (XML), and Hypertext Markup Language (HTML).

OASIS Cloud Application Management for Platforms (CAMP) - OASIS Cloud Application Management for Platforms (CAMP) is a specification intended to foster interoperability between cloud environments and to simplify the management of cloud applications.

OAuth - OAuth (Open Authorization) is an open standard authorization framework for token-based authorization on the internet.

obfuscate - Obfuscation means to make something difficult to understand.

obfuscation - Obfuscation means to make something difficult to understand.

obfuscator - Obfuscation means to make something difficult to understand.

OBI - OBI (Open Buying on the Internet) is a proposed standard for business-to-business purchasing on the Internet, aimed particularly at high-volume, low-cost-per-item transactions.

object - In object-oriented programming (OOP), objects are the things you think about first in designing a program and they are also the units of code that are eventually derived from the process.

object code - Source code and object code refer to the "before" and "after" versions of a computer program that is compiled (see compiler) before it is ready to run in a computer.

object ID (OID) - An object identifier (OID) is an unambiguous, long-term name for any type of object or entity.

Object Linking and Embedding - OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) is Microsoft's framework for a compound document technology.

Object Linking and Embedding Database - OLE DB is Microsoft's strategic low-level application program interface (API) for access to different data sources.

Object Management Group - The OMG (Object Management Group) was formed in 1989 by a group of vendors for the purpose of creating a standard architecture for distributed objects (also known as "components") in networks.

Object Management Group (OMG) - The OMG (Object Management Group) was formed in 1989 by a group of vendors for the purpose of creating a standard architecture for distributed objects (also known as "components") in networks.

object oriented programming - Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a computer programming model that organizes software design around data, or objects, rather than functions and logic.

Object Oriented Programming Systems Languages and Application - OOPSLA is the annual conference for Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages and Applications, sponsored by the SIGPLAN and SIGSOFT groups of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

object recognition - Object recognition is at the convergence points of robotics, machine vision, neural networks and AI.

object relational mapping - Object-relational mapping (ORM) is a mechanism that makes it possible to address, access and manipulate objects without having to consider how those objects relate to their data sources.

Object Request Broker - Also see ORBS, a term easily confused with ORB.

Object Request Broker (ORB) - Also see ORBS, a term easily confused with ORB.

object storage - Object storage, also called object-based storage, is an approach to addressing and manipulating units of storage called objects, in which files and metadata are combined.

object storage device (OSD) - An object-based storage device or object storage device (OBSD or OSD) is a computer storage system that organizes data into containers called objects that a user or application determines are related.

Object storage: Fast Guide - Get up to speed quickly about object storage, the role it plays in cloud storage and how it will be used in the enterprise.

object-oriented - Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a computer programming model that organizes software design around data, or objects, rather than functions and logic.

object-oriented database management system - An object-oriented database management system (OODBMS), sometimes shortened to ODBMS for object database management system, is a database management system (DBMS) that supports the modelling and creation of data as objects.

object-oriented database management system (OODBMS) - An object-oriented database management system (OODBMS), sometimes shortened to ODBMS for object database management system, is a database management system (DBMS) that supports the modelling and creation of data as objects.

object-oriented programming - Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a computer programming model that organizes software design around data, or objects, rather than functions and logic.

object-oriented programming (OOP) - Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a computer programming model that organizes software design around data, or objects, rather than functions and logic.

Object-oriented programming in the Enterprise - A fast guide to object-oriented programming in the Enterprise.

object-relational mapping - Object-relational mapping (ORM) is a mechanism that makes it possible to address, access and manipulate objects without having to consider how those objects relate to their data sources.

object-relational mapping (ORM) - Object-relational mapping (ORM) is a mechanism that makes it possible to address, access and manipulate objects without having to consider how those objects relate to their data sources.

obliquity - In systems engineering, obliquity is a theory that proposes the best way to achieve a goal when you are working with a complex system is to take an indirect approach instead of a direct one.

OC levels - The Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) includes a set of signal rate multiples for transmitting digital signals on optical fiber.

OC-1 - The Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) includes a set of signal rate multiples for transmitting digital signals on optical fiber.

OC-12 - The Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) includes a set of signal rate multiples for transmitting digital signals on optical fiber.

OC-192 - The Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) includes a set of signal rate multiples for transmitting digital signals on optical fiber.

OC-2 - The Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) includes a set of signal rate multiples for transmitting digital signals on optical fiber.

OC-256 - The Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) includes a set of signal rate multiples for transmitting digital signals on optical fiber.

OC-3 - The Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) includes a set of signal rate multiples for transmitting digital signals on optical fiber.

OC-48 - The Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) includes a set of signal rate multiples for transmitting digital signals on optical fiber.

OC-768 - OC-768 is currently the fastest synchronous optical network (SONET) standard rate for data transmission on optical fiber as part of the broadband ISDN (BISDN).

OC-x - The Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) includes a set of signal rate multiples for transmitting digital signals on optical fiber.

Occam's razor - Ockham's razor (also spelled Occam's razor, pronounced AHK-uhmz RAY-zuhr) is the idea that, in trying to understand something, getting unnecessary information out of the way is the fastest way to the truth or to the best explanation.

occlusion - In 3-D graphic design, occlusion is the effect of one object in a 3-D space blocking another object from view.

occupancy - Occupancy is the percentage of time that call agents actually spend handling incoming calls against the available or idle time, which is determined by dividing workload hours by staff hours.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration - Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is a federal organization (part of the Department of Labor) that ensures safe and healthy working conditions for Americans by enforcing standards and providing workplace safety training.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) - Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is a federal organization (part of the Department of Labor) that ensures safe and healthy working conditions for Americans by enforcing standards and providing workplace safety training.

Ockham's razor - Ockham's razor (also spelled Occam's razor, pronounced AHK-uhmz RAY-zuhr) is the idea that, in trying to understand something, getting unnecessary information out of the way is the fastest way to the truth or to the best explanation.

Ockham's razor (Occam's razor) - Ockham's razor (also spelled Occam's razor, pronounced AHK-uhmz RAY-zuhr) is the idea that, in trying to understand something, getting unnecessary information out of the way is the fastest way to the truth or to the best explanation.

OCM - Organizational change management (OCM) is a framework for managing the effect of new business processes, changes in organizational structure or cultural changes within an enterprise.

OCR - OCR (optical character recognition) is the use of technology to distinguish printed or handwritten text characters inside digital images of physical documents, such as a scanned paper document.

OCR - The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) is an organization within the U.

OCR (optical character recognition) - OCR (optical character recognition) is the use of technology to distinguish printed or handwritten text characters inside digital images of physical documents, such as a scanned paper document.

OCSIA - The Office of Cyber Security and Information Assurance (OCSIA) is part of the UK Cabinet Office, which sits at the centre of government.

OCSP - OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol) is one of two common schemes for maintaining the security of a server and other network resources.

OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol) - OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol) is one of two common schemes for maintaining the security of a server and other network resources.

octal - Octal (pronounced AHK-tuhl, from Latin octo or "eight") is a term that describes a base-8 number system.

octal latch - An octal latch is an integrated circuit (IC) that contains eight binary digital circuits called latches.

OCTAVE - OCTAVE (Operationally Critical Threat, Asset, and Vulnerability Evaluation) is a security framework for determining risk level and planning defenses against cyber assaults.

octet - In computers, an octet (from the Latin octo or "eight") is a sequence of eight bit s.

Octopus - Octopus is the production codename for a VMware file sharing application for the enterprise.

Oculus Rift - Oculus Rift is a VR headset that is designed to connect to a high-powered PC to enable advanced computations and graphics rendering.

OCW - OpenCourseWare (OCW) is an educational initiative developed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to make the core teaching materials for all MIT graduate and undergraduate classes available at no cost to Internet users around the world.

OCX - An OCX is an Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) custom control, a special-purpose program that can be created for use by applications running on Microsoft's Windows systems.

OCx - The Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) includes a set of signal rate multiples for transmitting digital signals on optical fiber.

OD computing - On-demand (OD) computing is an increasingly popular enterprise model in which computing resources are made available to the user as needed.

ODBC - Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) is an open standard application programming interface (API) for accessing a database.

ODBMS - An object-oriented database management system (OODBMS), sometimes shortened to ODBMS for object database management system, is a database management system (DBMS) that supports the modelling and creation of data as objects.

ODCA (Open Data Center Alliance) - The Open Data Center Alliance (ODCA) is an independent information technology (IT) consortium whose goal is to develop a unified vision of cloud requirements.

ODF - The Open Document Format (ODF) is an XML-based open source file format for saving and exchanging text, spreadsheets, charts, and presentations.

ODI - ODI (Open Data-Link Interface) is a software interface that allows different Data-Link Layer protocols to share the same driver or adapter in a computer.

ODIN - ODIN (Open Device Identification Number) is a unique identifier derived from a mobile device�s Wi-fi �media access control (MAC) address.

ODIN (Open Data Center with an Interoperable Network) - ODIN (Open Data Center with an Interoperable Network) is a reference architecture that describes best practices for creating a flat, converged, virtualized data center fabric based on open industry standards.

ODIN (Open Device Identification Number) - ODIN (Open Device Identification Number) is a unique identifier derived from a mobile device�s Wi-fi �media access control (MAC) address.

ODL - Open and Distance Learning (ODL) is a general term for the use of telecommunication to provide or enhance learning.

ODL (Open and Distance Learning) - Open and Distance Learning (ODL) is a general term for the use of telecommunication to provide or enhance learning.

ODM (original design manufacturer) - An ODM (original design manufacturer) is a company that takes the original specifications of another company or individual and builds the design to the product specifications.

ODMA - ODMA (Open Document Management API or Application Program Interface) is an industry standard interface for managing documents that allows users to store, retrieve, and share them with security and version control.

ODMR - On-Demand Mail Relay (ODMR), also known as Authenticated TURN (ATRN), is an e-mail service that allows a user to connect to an Internet service provider (ISP), authenticate, and request e-mail using a dynamic IP address from any Internet connection.

ODP - The Open Directory Project (ODP) is a human-edited index of Web sites.

ODS - An operational data store (ODS) is a type of database that's often used as an interim logical area for a data warehouse.

ODX (Offloaded Data Transfer) - Offloaded Data Transfer (ODX) is a feature in Microsoft Windows Server 2012 that speeds up copy and move operations by allowing them to be performed by the storage hardware rather than the operating system.

Oe - The ampere per meter (symbolized A/m) is the International Unit of magnetic field strength.

OEBF - The Open eBook Forum (Open Electronic Book Forum or OEBF) is an organization whose purpose is to develop a specification for electronic content, based on existing HTML and XML standards, that allows electronic book content to be viewed on various devices (PC display, PDA, or eBook reader) and all platforms.

OEM - OEM, or original equipment manufacturer, is a broad term that describes a web of relationships among IT hardware vendors, hardware component makers, software vendors and channel partners such as resellers and distributors.

OEM (original equipment manufacturer) - OEM, or original equipment manufacturer, is a broad term that describes a web of relationships among IT hardware vendors, hardware component makers, software vendors and channel partners such as resellers and distributors.

oersted - The ampere per meter (symbolized A/m) is the International Unit of magnetic field strength.

OF-Config (OpenFlow Configuration and Management Protocol) - The OpenFlow Management and Configuration Protocol (OF-Config) is a protocol developed under the Open Networking Foundation used to manage physical and virtual switches in an OpenFlow environment.

OFB - In cryptography, output feedback (OFB) is a mode of operation for a block cipher.

OFDM - Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) is a method of data transmission where a single information stream is split among several closely spaced narrowband subchannel frequencies instead of a single wideband channel frequency.

OFDMA (orthogonal frequency-division multiple access) - Orthogonal frequency-division multiple access (OFDMA) is a feature of Wi-Fi 6 (802.

off the grid - Off the grid is a designation for facilities that produce all their own energy and are not connected to any external source, such as the electrical power grid.

off-grid data center - An off-grid data center is a facility that produces all its own power and is not connected to any external source, such as the electrical power grid.

off-hours communications - Off-hours communications are work-related emails, texts, phone calls, social media messaging and other communications that are transmitted when an employee is not officially working.

off-page SEO (off-site SEO) - Off-page SEO, also known as off-site SEO, is the efforts taken to boost a website's position in search engine results beyond the usual optimization strategies applied to the site itself.

off-peak - Off-peak, in a call center context, describes a time period with fewer calls than are handled in a busy period.

off-site backup - Off-site backup is a method of backing up data to a remote server or to media that is transported off site.

offensive security - Offensive security is a proactive and antagonistic approach to protecting computer systems, networks and individuals from attacks.

office cubicle - An idea that is now over 40 years old, the office cubicle is a somewhat partitioned space for one or several workers in what is otherwise an unpartitioned and open building space for offices.

Office for Civil Rights - The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) is an organization within the U.

Office for Civil Rights (OCR) - The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) is an organization within the U.

office hoteling - Hoteling (also called office hoteling) is the practice of providing office space to employees on an as-needed rather than on the traditional, constantly reserved basis.

Office of Cyber Security and Information Assurance - The Office of Cyber Security and Information Assurance (OCSIA) is part of the UK Cabinet Office, which sits at the centre of government.

Office of Cyber Security and Information Assurance (OCSIA) - The Office of Cyber Security and Information Assurance (OCSIA) is part of the UK Cabinet Office, which sits at the centre of government.

Office of Management and Budget (OMB) - The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is the business division of the Executive Office of the President of the United States that administers the United States federal budget and oversees the performance of federal agencies.

Office of Personnel Management (OPM) - The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is an independent agency of the United States government that is tasked with the oversight of civil service hirings.

Office Open Extended Markup Language - OOXML (Office Open Extended Markup Language), also called Open XML, is a file format for documents, spreadsheets and presentations that is intended for use with the 2007 and later versions of the Microsoft Office suite.

offline backup - Cold backups are ideal for disaster recovery because they protect important data.

offline first - Offline first is an approach to software development in which developers build an application’s core features to function with or without an internet connection.

offline folder file - An offline folder file is the location for offline folders (OST files) in Microsoft Outlook.

offset lithography - Offset printing, also called offset lithography, is a method of mass-production printing in which the images on metal plates are transferred (offset) to rubber blankets or rollers and then to the print media.

offset printing - Offset printing, also called offset lithography, is a method of mass-production printing in which the images on metal plates are transferred (offset) to rubber blankets or rollers and then to the print media.

offset printing (offset lithography) - Offset printing, also called offset lithography, is a method of mass-production printing in which the images on metal plates are transferred (offset) to rubber blankets or rollers and then to the print media.

offset quadrature phase-shift keying - Staggered quadrature phase-shift keying (SQPSK), also known as offset quadrature phase-shift keying (OQPSK), is a method of phase-shift keying (PSK) in which the signal carrier-wave phase transition is always 90 degrees or 1/4 cycle at a time.

offshore software testing - Offshore software testing is a software development model where an organization outsources the software testing process to a service partner team located in a different country with a different time zone.

offshoring - Offshore outsourcing, a type of business process outsourcing (BPO), is the exporting of IT-related work from the United States and other developed countries to areas of the world where there is both political stability and lower labor costs or tax savings.

OFSSL - Oracle Financial Services Software Limited (OFSSL) is a software provider for the banking and financial services industry.

Ogg Theora - Ogg Theora is an open-source video codec being developed by the Xiph.

Ogg Vorbis - Vorbis is an open source patent-free audio compression format, developed as a replacement for proprietary digital audio encoding formats, such as MP3, VQF, and AAC.

Ogo - Ogo is a handheld, battery powered, wireless communications device, released in 2004, that provides instant messaging (IM), text messaging, and e-mail for subscribers to America Online (AOL), the Microsoft Network (MSN), and Yahoo!.

OGSA - The Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA) is a set of standards defining the way in which information is shared among diverse components of large, heterogeneous grid systems.

OH - This page provides a description of the abbreviations and meanings of each of the lights that describe the "handshaking" between a computer modem and the UART chip in a computer.

OHA - The Open Handset Alliance (OHA) is a coalition of more than 30 technology and mobile companies that introduced Android, an open source mobile phone operating system.

ohm - The ohm is the standard unit of electrical resistance in the International System of Units (SI).

Ohm's Law - Ohm's Law is the mathematical relationship among electric current, resistance, and voltage.

OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) - OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) is a performance management framework designed to encourage companies to set, communicate and monitor broad organizational goals and results.

OLA - An operational level agreement (OLA) is a contract that defines how various IT groups within a company plan to deliver a service or set of services.

OLAP - OLAP (online analytical processing) is a computing method that enables users to easily and selectively extract and query data in order to analyze it from different points of view.

OLAP (online analytical processing) - OLAP (online analytical processing) is a computing method that enables users to easily and selectively extract and query data in order to analyze it from different points of view.

OLAP cube - An OLAP cube is a multidimensional database that is optimized for data warehouse and online analytical processing (OLAP) applications.

OLAP dashboard - The “OLAP” designation indicates that one or more of the graphs or reports (sometimes referred to as “panes,” in the dashboard) are based on an OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) data source.

OLE - OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) is Microsoft's framework for a compound document technology.

OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) - OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) is Microsoft's framework for a compound document technology.

OLE DB - OLE DB is Microsoft's strategic low-level application program interface (API) for access to different data sources.

OLE DB (OLEDB or Object Linking and Embedding Database) - OLE DB is Microsoft's strategic low-level application program interface (API) for access to different data sources.

OLED - OLED (organic light-emitting diode) is a display technology, pioneered and patented by Kodak, based on the use of organic polymer material as the semiconductor material in light-emitting diodes (LEDs).

OLED (light-emitting diode) - OLED (organic light-emitting diode) is a display technology, pioneered and patented by Kodak, based on the use of organic polymer material as the semiconductor material in light-emitting diodes (LEDs).

OLED TV - OLED TV is a television display technology based on the characteristics of organic light-emitting diodes (OLED).

OLEDB - OLE DB is Microsoft's strategic low-level application program interface (API) for access to different data sources.

oligopoly - An oligopoly is a small group of companies that dominate a given market.

OLPC - The One Laptop Per Child project (OLPC) is an initiative aimed at providing inexpensive laptop computers to children in the developing world as a means of bridging the digital divide.

OLPC (One Laptop Per Child) - The One Laptop Per Child project (OLPC) is an initiative aimed at providing inexpensive laptop computers to children in the developing world as a means of bridging the digital divide.

OLTP - OLTP (online transaction processing) is a class of software programs capable of supporting transaction-oriented applications on the Internet.

OLTP (online transaction processing) - OLTP (online transaction processing) is a class of software programs capable of supporting transaction-oriented applications on the Internet.

OMAP - Open Multimedia Application Platform (OMAP) is the name of Texas Instrument’s application processor.

OMG - The OMG (Object Management Group) was formed in 1989 by a group of vendors for the purpose of creating a standard architecture for distributed objects (also known as "components") in networks.

omnichannel - Omnichannel -- also spelled omni-channel -- is a multichannel approach to sales that seeks to provide customers with a seamless shopping experience, whether they're shopping online from a desktop or mobile device, by telephone, or in a brick-and-mortar store.

omnidirectional antenna - An omnidirectional antenna is a wireless transmitting or receiving antenna that radiates or intercepts radio-frequency (RF) electromagnetic fields equally well in all horizontal directions in a flat, two-dimensional (2D) geometric plane.

omnidirectional treadmill (ODT) - An omnidirectional treadmill (ODT) is a mechanical or electronic machine that allows the user to travel in any direction.

On Demand Computing - On-demand (OD) computing is an increasingly popular enterprise model in which computing resources are made available to the user as needed.

On Demand Mail Relay - On-Demand Mail Relay (ODMR), also known as Authenticated TURN (ATRN), is an e-mail service that allows a user to connect to an Internet service provider (ISP), authenticate, and request e-mail using a dynamic IP address from any Internet connection.

on screen display - An on-screen display (OSD) is a control panel on a computer monitor or television screen that allows you to select viewing options and/or adjust components of the display, such as brightness, contrast, and horizontal and vertical positioning.

on the fly - In relation to computer technology, "on the fly" describes activities that develop or occur dynamically rather than as the result of something that is statically predefined.

on-board diagnostics (OBD) - On board-diagnostics (OBD) is the inclusion of circuitry within a device that can indicate proper function and calibration of the main unit or specific fault states.

on-demand computing - On-demand (OD) computing is an increasingly popular enterprise model in which computing resources are made available to the user as needed.

On-Demand Mail Relay (ODMR) or Authenticated TURN (ATRN) - On-Demand Mail Relay (ODMR), also known as Authenticated TURN (ATRN), is an e-mail service that allows a user to connect to an Internet service provider (ISP), authenticate, and request e-mail using a dynamic IP address from any Internet connection.

on-screen display - An on-screen display (OSD) is a control panel on a computer monitor or television screen that allows you to select viewing options and/or adjust components of the display, such as brightness, contrast, and horizontal and vertical positioning.

on-screen display (OSD) - An on-screen display (OSD) is a control panel on a computer monitor or television screen that allows you to select viewing options and/or adjust components of the display, such as brightness, contrast, and horizontal and vertical positioning.

on-screen keyboard - A soft keyboard (sometimes called an onscreen keyboard or software keyboard) is a system that replaces the hardware keyboard on a computing device with an on-screen image map.

onboard intelligence - Onboard intelligence is the use of artificial intelligence (AI) that is housed locally in the device it operates.

ONC (Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology) - The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, abbreviated ONC, is an entity within the U.

ondemand mail relay - On-Demand Mail Relay (ODMR), also known as Authenticated TURN (ATRN), is an e-mail service that allows a user to connect to an Internet service provider (ISP), authenticate, and request e-mail using a dynamic IP address from any Internet connection.

ONE - Sun ONE (Sun Open Net Environment) is a marketing strategy and set of products from Sun Microsystems aimed at enabling an enterprise to build Web services for its own internal use and for its customers.

One Laptop Per Child - The One Laptop Per Child project (OLPC) is an initiative aimed at providing inexpensive laptop computers to children in the developing world as a means of bridging the digital divide.

one throat to choke - One throat to choke is an expression used in business to describe the advantage of purchasing goods or integrated services from a single vendor.

one to one - In Internet e-commerce, 121 is short for one-to-one, the philosophy that treating each customer as a special individual is a more successful approach than treating customers as a group of similar individuals.

one to one marketing - One-to-one marketing (sometimes expressed as 1:1 marketing) is a customer relationship management (CRM) strategy emphasizing personalized interactions with customers.

one-armed router - A one-armed router is a router that routes traffic between virtual local area networks (VLANs).

one-banana problem - A one-banana problem is an easily resolved issue.

one-molecule transistor - A nanotransistor is a transistor - the component that acts as an electronic signal switch or amplifier - that is near the scale of a billionth of a meter (or nanometer) in size.

one-socket server - A one-socket server is a server based around a single motherboard with a single CPU socket.

one-time pad - In cryptography, a one-time pad is a system in which a private key generated randomly is used only once to encrypt a message that is then decrypted by the receiver using a matching one-time pad and key.

one-time password (OTP) - A one-time password (OTP) is an automatically generated numeric or alphanumeric string of characters that authenticates the user for a single transaction or login session.

one-time password token (OTP token) - A one-time password token (OTP token) is a security hardware device or software program that is capable of producing a single-use password or PIN passcode.

one-to-one - In Internet e-commerce, 121 is short for one-to-one, the philosophy that treating each customer as a special individual is a more successful approach than treating customers as a group of similar individuals.

one-to-one-marketing - One-to-one marketing (sometimes expressed as 1:1 marketing) is a customer relationship management (CRM) strategy emphasizing personalized interactions with customers.

one-to-one-marketing (1:1 marketing) - One-to-one marketing (sometimes expressed as 1:1 marketing) is a customer relationship management (CRM) strategy emphasizing personalized interactions with customers.

one-way pager - A pager is a small telecommunications device that receives (and, in some cases, transmits) alert signals and/or short messages.

OneID - OneID is a digital identity management service that provides a repository for usernames and passwords, eliminating the need for people to remember numerous arcane character sequences.

online analytical processing - OLAP (online analytical processing) is a computing method that enables users to easily and selectively extract and query data in order to analyze it from different points of view.

online backup - Online data backup (remote data backup) is a method of off-site storage in which data is regularly backed up over a network on a remote server, typically hosted by a provider.

online backup - Cloud backup, also known as online backup or remote backup, is a strategy for backing up data that involves sending a copy of the data over a proprietary or public network to an off-site server and storage system.

Online Certificate Security Protocol - OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol) is one of two common schemes for maintaining the security of a server and other network resources.

Online Certificate Status Protocol - OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol) is one of two common schemes for maintaining the security of a server and other network resources.

online customer community - Online customer communities are Web-based gathering places for customers, experts, and others to discuss problems, post reviews, brainstorm, and engage with one another.

Online Customer Privacy - Consumer privacy, also known as customer privacy, involves the handling and protection of the sensitive personal information provided by customers in the course of everyday transactions.

online file sharing service - An online file sharing service provides a way to store and access documents, data, photos and video in the cloud rather than storing the information locally on a device hard drive or removable media.

online forum - A discussion board (known also by various other names such as discussion group, discussion forum, message board, and online forum) is a general term for any online "bulletin board" where you can leave and expect to see responses to messages you have left.

online mapping - Online mapping is the compilation and publication of Web sites that provide exhaustive graphical and text information in the form of maps and databases.

Online Public Access Catalog - An OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog) is an online bibliography of a library collection that is available to the public.

Online Public Access Catalog - An OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog) is an online bibliography of a library collection that is available to the public.

Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) - An OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog) is an online bibliography of a library collection that is available to the public.

online risk - Online risk is the vulnerability of an organization's internal resources that arises from the organization using the Internet to conduct business.

online service provider - On the Internet, OSP (online service provider) has several different meanings.

online service provider (OSP) - On the Internet, OSP (online service provider) has several different meanings.

Online Service System - Online Service System (OSS) is a name that SAP has used to describe its provision of online access by users to a company's R/3 applications and data.

Online Service System (OSS) - Online Service System (OSS) is a name that SAP has used to describe its provision of online access by users to a company's R/3 applications and data.

online transaction processing - OLTP (online transaction processing) is a class of software programs capable of supporting transaction-oriented applications on the Internet.

online voting - E-voting is an election system that allows voters to record a secret ballot and have it tabulated electronically.

ONNX - ONNX (Open Neural Network Exchange) is an open container format for the exchange of neural network models between different frameworks, providing they support ONNX import and export.

ONOS (Open Network Operating System) - ONOS (Open Network Operating System) is an operating system (OS) designed for network service providers to help build carrier-grade software-defined networks architected for high scalability, availability and performance.

onscreen keyboard - A soft keyboard (sometimes called an onscreen keyboard or software keyboard) is a system that replaces the hardware keyboard on a computing device with an on-screen image map.

onshore outsourcing - Onshore outsourcing, also known as domestic outsourcing, is the obtaining of services from someone outside a company but within the same country.

onshore outsourcing (domestic outsourcing) - Onshore outsourcing, also known as domestic outsourcing, is the obtaining of services from someone outside a company but within the same country.

ontology - In general, ontology (pronounced ahn-TAH-luh-djee) is the study or concern about what kinds of things exist - what entities there are in the universe.

ooblick - According to Eric Raymond, compiler of The New Hacker's Dictionary, "ooblick" derives from the Dr.

OODA loop - The OODA loop (Observe, Orient, Decide, Act) is a four-step approach to decision-making that focuses on filtering available information, putting it in context and quickly making the most appropriate decision while also understanding that changes can be made as more data becomes available.

OODBMS - An object-oriented database management system (OODBMS), sometimes shortened to ODBMS for object database management system, is a database management system (DBMS) that supports the modelling and creation of data as objects.

OoOE - Out-of-order execution (OoOE) is an approach to processing that allows instructions for high-performance microprocessors to begin execution as soon as their operands are ready.

OOP - Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a computer programming model that organizes software design around data, or objects, rather than functions and logic.

OOPSLA - OOPSLA is the annual conference for Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages and Applications, sponsored by the SIGPLAN and SIGSOFT groups of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

OOPSLA (Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages and Applications) - OOPSLA is the annual conference for Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages and Applications, sponsored by the SIGPLAN and SIGSOFT groups of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

OOXML - OOXML (Office Open Extended Markup Language), also called Open XML, is a file format for documents, spreadsheets and presentations that is intended for use with the 2007 and later versions of the Microsoft Office suite.

OOXML (Office Open Extended Markup Language) - OOXML (Office Open Extended Markup Language), also called Open XML, is a file format for documents, spreadsheets and presentations that is intended for use with the 2007 and later versions of the Microsoft Office suite.

OPAC - An OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog) is an online bibliography of a library collection that is available to the public.

OPAC - An OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog) is an online bibliography of a library collection that is available to the public.

OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog) - An OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog) is an online bibliography of a library collection that is available to the public.

open - In information technology, a product or system is described as open when its workings are exposed to the public and capable of being modified or improved by anyone.

Open and Distance Learning - Open and Distance Learning (ODL) is a general term for the use of telecommunication to provide or enhance learning.

open API (public API) - An open API, also known as a public API, is an application programming interface made publicly available to software developers.

Open Blueprint - Open Blueprint is IBM's strategic view of the network computing services and the relationship between these services.

Open Buying on the Internet - OBI (Open Buying on the Internet) is a proposed standard for business-to-business purchasing on the Internet, aimed particularly at high-volume, low-cost-per-item transactions.

open compute - The Open Compute Project is an initiative started by Facebook to share efficient server and data center designs with the general IT industry.

open compute project - The Open Compute Project is an initiative started by Facebook to share efficient server and data center designs with the general IT industry.

Open Compute Project - The Open Compute Project is an initiative started by Facebook to share efficient server and data center designs with the general IT industry.

Open Container Initiative - The Open Container Initiative, formerly known as the Open Container Project, is a Linux Foundation project designed to establish common open standards for container platforms.

open content - Open content is material, such as documents, audio or video presentations, that may be freely and legally edited, excerpted, reproduced and republished.

open core model (open core software) - The open core model is a business strategy where a company offers a “core” version of a product with limited features as free and open source (FOSS) software at the same time an add-on commercial version is released as proprietary software.

open courseware - OpenCourseWare (OCW) is an educational initiative developed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to make the core teaching materials for all MIT graduate and undergraduate classes available at no cost to Internet users around the world.

open data center - An open data center is an IT facility that employs a clearly defined and standardized set of hardware and software products designed to make the data center interoperable with other IT facilities.

Open Data Link Interface - ODI (Open Data-Link Interface) is a software interface that allows different Data-Link Layer protocols to share the same driver or adapter in a computer.

Open Data-Link Interface - ODI (Open Data-Link Interface) is a software interface that allows different Data-Link Layer protocols to share the same driver or adapter in a computer.

Open Data-Link Interface (ODI) - ODI (Open Data-Link Interface) is a software interface that allows different Data-Link Layer protocols to share the same driver or adapter in a computer.

Open Database Connectivity - Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) is an open standard application programming interface (API) for accessing a database.

Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) - Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) is an open standard application programming interface (API) for accessing a database.

Open Device Identification Number - ODIN (Open Device Identification Number) is a unique identifier derived from a mobile device�s Wi-fi �media access control (MAC) address.

Open Directory Project - The Open Directory Project (ODP) is a human-edited index of Web sites.

Open Directory Project (ODP) - The Open Directory Project (ODP) is a human-edited index of Web sites.

Open Document Format - The Open Document Format (ODF) is an XML-based open source file format for saving and exchanging text, spreadsheets, charts, and presentations.

Open Document Format (ODF) - The Open Document Format (ODF) is an XML-based open source file format for saving and exchanging text, spreadsheets, charts, and presentations.

Open Document Management API - ODMA (Open Document Management API or Application Program Interface) is an industry standard interface for managing documents that allows users to store, retrieve, and share them with security and version control.

open e-book forum - The Open eBook Forum (Open Electronic Book Forum or OEBF) is an organization whose purpose is to develop a specification for electronic content, based on existing HTML and XML standards, that allows electronic book content to be viewed on various devices (PC display, PDA, or eBook reader) and all platforms.

Open eBook Forum - The Open eBook Forum (Open Electronic Book Forum or OEBF) is an organization whose purpose is to develop a specification for electronic content, based on existing HTML and XML standards, that allows electronic book content to be viewed on various devices (PC display, PDA, or eBook reader) and all platforms.

Open eBook Forum (Open Electronic Book Forum or OEBF) - The Open eBook Forum (Open Electronic Book Forum or OEBF) is an organization whose purpose is to develop a specification for electronic content, based on existing HTML and XML standards, that allows electronic book content to be viewed on various devices (PC display, PDA, or eBook reader) and all platforms.

Open Electronic book Forum - The Open eBook Forum (Open Electronic Book Forum or OEBF) is an organization whose purpose is to develop a specification for electronic content, based on existing HTML and XML standards, that allows electronic book content to be viewed on various devices (PC display, PDA, or eBook reader) and all platforms.

Open GL - OpenGL (Open Graphics Library) is the computer industry's standard application program interface (API) for defining 2-D and 3-D graphic images.

Open Government Directive - The Open Government Directive is an initiative by the United States government to publish more information online.

Open Graphics Library - OpenGL (Open Graphics Library) is the computer industry's standard application program interface (API) for defining 2-D and 3-D graphic images.

Open Grid Services Architecture - The Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA) is a set of standards defining the way in which information is shared among diverse components of large, heterogeneous grid systems.

Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA) - The Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA) is a set of standards defining the way in which information is shared among diverse components of large, heterogeneous grid systems.

Open Handset Alliance - The Open Handset Alliance (OHA) is a coalition of more than 30 technology and mobile companies that introduced Android, an open source mobile phone operating system.

Open Handset Alliance (OHA) - The Open Handset Alliance (OHA) is a coalition of more than 30 technology and mobile companies that introduced Android, an open source mobile phone operating system.

open hardware - Open source hardware, also called open hardware, is electronic or computer hardware built from design information that could be copyrighted or licensed but has instead been made available for public use at no charge.

open id - OpenID is an open specification for authentication and single sign-on.

Open Internet Order of 2010 - The Open Internet Order of 2010 is a set of rules proposed by the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) with the purpose of maintaining an open and neutral internet that supports free speech and generally treats all traffic as equal.

open loop / closed loop payment cards - Open loop and closed loop, in the context of payment cards, are categories that stipulate whether a card can be used in businesses other than that of the card issuer.

Open Multimedia Application Platform - Open Multimedia Application Platform (OMAP) is the name of Texas Instrument’s application processor.

Open Multimedia Application Platform (OMAP) - Open Multimedia Application Platform (OMAP) is the name of Texas Instrument’s application processor.

Open Net Environment - Sun ONE (Sun Open Net Environment) is a marketing strategy and set of products from Sun Microsystems aimed at enabling an enterprise to build Web services for its own internal use and for its customers.

Open Network Automation Platform - The Open Network Automation Platform (ONAP) is a networking project that provides a digital environment for the orchestration and automation of complex network services.

Open Network Management System - OpenNMS (Open Network Management System) is the first enterprise-grade network management platform developed under the open source model.

open networking - Open networking describes a network that uses open standards and commodity hardware.

Open Networking Foundation (ONF) - The Open Networking Foundation (ONF) is a consortium dedicated to the development and standardization of software-defined networking (SDN).

Open Platform Communications (OPC) - Open Platform Communications (OPC) is an interoperability standard for the secure exchange of industrial automation data.

Open Plugable Specification (OPS) - Open Pluggable Specification (OPS) is a set of parameters for standardizing modules that add compute ability to screen readers.

Open Profiling Standard - Open Profiling Standard (OPS) is a proposed standard for how Web users can control the personal information they share with Web sites.

Open Profiling Standard (OPS) - Open Profiling Standard (OPS) is a proposed standard for how Web users can control the personal information they share with Web sites.

Open Rack - The Open Rack specification is an open standard for server racks designed to integrate with other parts of Facebook's Open Compute Project (OCP).

open redirect - Open redirect is a security flaw in an app or a web page that causes it to fail to properly authenticate URLs.

open relay - An open relay (sometimes called an insecure relay or a third-party relay) is an SMTP e-mail server that allows third-party relay of e-mail messages.

Open Relay Behavior modification System - A similar but unrelated term is ORB (Object Request Broker).

Open Relay Behavior-modification System - A similar but unrelated term is ORB (Object Request Broker).

open security - Open security is an approach to safeguarding software, hardware and other information system components with methods whose design and details are publicly available.

Open Service Gateway Initiative - OSGi (Open Service Gateway Initiative) is an industry plan for a standard way to connect devices such as home appliances and security systems to the Internet.

Open Service Gateway Initiative - OSGi (Open Service Gateway Initiative) is Java framework for developing and deploying modular software programs and libraries.

Open Service Gateway Initiative (OSGi) - OSGi (Open Service Gateway Initiative) is an industry plan for a standard way to connect devices such as home appliances and security systems to the Internet.

Open Settlement Protocol (OSP) - Open Settlement Protocol (OSP) is a client-server protocol that manages access control, accounting, usage data and inter-domain routing to make it easier for Internet service providers to support IP telephony.

Open Shortest Path First - The OSPF router protocol is used to find the best path for packets as they pass through a set of connected networks.

Open Shortest Path First protocol - The OSPF router protocol is used to find the best path for packets as they pass through a set of connected networks.

Open Software Foundation - The Open Software Foundation (OSF) was a pioneer industry-sponsored organization whose purpose was to foster, identify, and, in some cases, develop software technologies that could serve as industry and perhaps eventually national and international standards.

Open Software Foundation (OSF) - The Open Software Foundation (OSF) was a pioneer industry-sponsored organization whose purpose was to foster, identify, and, in some cases, develop software technologies that could serve as industry and perhaps eventually national and international standards.

open source - In general, open source refers to any program whose source code is made available for use or modification as users or other developers see fit.

open source business intelligence - Open source business intelligence (BI) is, technically, free BI.

open source business intelligence (OSBI) - Open source business intelligence (BI) is, technically, free BI.

open source cloud storage - Open source cloud storage is a cloud storage architecture that uses freely available source code to build and manage a private cloud storage platform.

Open Source Development Labs - Open Source Development Labs (OSDL) is a nonprofit corporation founded by IBM, Intel, and Computer Associates to support Linux developers and users.

Open Source Development Labs (OSDL) - Open Source Development Labs (OSDL) is a nonprofit corporation founded by IBM, Intel, and Computer Associates to support Linux developers and users.

open source ERP - Open source ERP refers to an enterprise resource planning (ERP) software model in which the public has access to the source code of the system.

Open Source Hardening Project - The Open Source Hardening Project is an initiative of the United States Department of Homeland Security, created to improve the security of open source code.

open source hardware - Open source hardware, also called open hardware, is electronic or computer hardware built from design information that could be copyrighted or licensed but has instead been made available for public use at no charge.

open source hardware (open hardware) - Open source hardware, also called open hardware, is electronic or computer hardware built from design information that could be copyrighted or licensed but has instead been made available for public use at no charge.

open source software - Open source software (OSS) refers to software that is developed, tested, or improved through public collaboration and distributed with the idea that code must be shared with others.

open source software - Free and open source software (FOSS), also known as free/libre open source software (FLOSS) and free/open source software (F/OSS), is software developed by informal collaborative networks of programmers and end users.

open source software (OSS) - Open source software (OSS) refers to software that is developed, tested, or improved through public collaboration and distributed with the idea that code must be shared with others.

open source storage - Open source storage is data storage software developed in a public, collaborative manner that permits the free use, distribution and modification of the source code.

open source virtual private network - OpenVPN is an open source virtual private network (VPN) product that offers simplified security, a modular network design and cross-platform portability.

open system - In a computing context, an open system is an open source operating system, typically composed of coordinated modular components from a number of sources and not reliant upon any proprietary elements.

Open System Authentication - Open System Authentication (OSA) is a process by which a computer can gain access to a wireless network that uses the Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) protocol.

Open System Authentication (OSA) - Open System Authentication (OSA) is a process by which a computer can gain access to a wireless network that uses the Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) protocol.

Open Systems Interconnection - OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) is a reference model for how applications communicate over a network.

open test standard - A common test platform (CTP), also called an open test standard (OTS), is a set of specifications defining test methods for diverse components of computer and electronic systems to be marketed as complete products.

open ticket - A trouble ticket (sometimes called a trouble report) is a mechanism used in an organization to track the detection, reporting and resolution of some type of problem.

Open Vault - Open Vault is an open-source storage specification created by Facebook and the Open Compute Project (OCP).

open virtualization format (OVF) - Open Virtualization Format (OVF) is an open-source standard for packaging and distributing software and applications for virtual machines (VM).

Open Web Application Security Project - The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is a not-for-profit group that helps organizations develop, purchase, and maintain software applications that can be trusted.

Open Web Application Security Project Top Ten - The OWASP Top Ten is a list of the 10 most dangerous current Web application security flaws, along with effective methods of dealing with those flaws.

Open XML - OOXML (Office Open Extended Markup Language), also called Open XML, is a file format for documents, spreadsheets and presentations that is intended for use with the 2007 and later versions of the Microsoft Office suite.

open-source - In general, open source refers to any program whose source code is made available for use or modification as users or other developers see fit.

OpenAI - OpenAI is a non-profit research company that aims to develop and direct artificial intelligence (AI) in ways that benefit humanity as a whole.

OpenAPI Specification - The OpenAPI (OAI) Specification defines a standard, programming language-agnostic interface description for RESTful APIs.

OpenAppID - OpenAppID is an application-layer network security plugin for the open source intrusion detection system Snort.

OpenBSD - OpenBSD is a free open source operating system based upon the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) for UNIX.

OpenConfig - OpenConfig is a working group and network communication model that attempts to unify standards in networking management interfaces across vendors.

OpenCourseWare - OpenCourseWare (OCW) is an educational initiative developed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to make the core teaching materials for all MIT graduate and undergraduate classes available at no cost to Internet users around the world.

OpenEMR - OpenEMR is free, open source software for the health care industry.

OpenFlow - OpenFlow is a protocol that allows a server to tell network switches where to send packets.

OpenFlow Consortium - The OpenFlow Consortium was a collaborative group of university researchers and network administrators that developed the original specification for the OpenFlow protocol.

OpenFlow controller - An OpenFlow controller is an application that manages flow control in a software-defined networking (SDN) environment.

OpenFlow switch - An OpenFlow switch is a software program or hardware device that forwards packets in a software-defined networking (SDN) environment.

OpenGL - OpenGL (Open Graphics Library) is the computer industry's standard application program interface (API) for defining 2-D and 3-D graphic images.

OpenGL (Open Graphics Library) - OpenGL (Open Graphics Library) is the computer industry's standard application program interface (API) for defining 2-D and 3-D graphic images.

OpenID (OpenID Connect) - OpenID is an open specification for authentication and single sign-on.

OpenJDK - OpenJDK is a free, open-source version of the Java Development Kit for the Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE).

OpenNebula - OpenNebula is an open source management tool that helps virtualized data centers enable private clouds, public clouds and hybrid clouds.

OpenNMS - OpenNMS (Open Network Management System) is the first enterprise-grade network management platform developed under the open source model.

OpenPGP - OpenPGP is an open and free version of the Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) standard that defines encryption formats to enable private messaging abilities for email and other message encryption.

OpenPower Foundation - The OpenPower Foundation is an organization in which IBM shares its Power microprocessor technology with licensed members.

OpenSSL - OpenSSL is a general purpose cryptography library that provides an open source implementation of the SSL and TLS protocols.

OpenStack - OpenStack is a collection of open source software modules that provides a framework to create and manage both public cloud and private cloud infrastructure.

OpenStack Foundation - The OpenStack Foundation manages and oversees the development of the OpenStack open source cloud platform.

OpenStack Horizon - OpenStack Horizon is a web-based graphical interface that cloud administrators and users can access to manage OpenStack compute, storage and networking services.

OpenStack Innovation Center - The OpenStack Innovation Center is a research and development facility dedicated to the open source cloud platform OpenStack.

OpenStack Neutron (formerly called Quantum) - OpenStack Neutron is a cloud networking controller and a networking-as-a-service project within the OpenStack cloud computing initiative.

OpenStack Swift - OpenStack Swift, also known as OpenStack Object Storage, is an open source object storage system that is licensed under the Apache 2.

OpenText ECM Suite - OpenText Enterprise Content Management (ECM) Suite is a bundled group of content management software made by Open Text Corporation, whose programs include document management, record management, email management and web content management.

OpenType - OpenType is a file format for scalable (outline) font files that extends the existing TrueType font file format used by Microsoft Windows and Apple Macintosh operating systems.

OpenView - HP OpenView is a suite of business computer management or "e-services" programs from Hewlett-Packard (HP), which states that the suite is "among the world's 20 largest software businesses.

OpenVMS - OpenVMS is an operating system from the Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) that runs in both its VAX and Alpha computers.

OpenVPN - OpenVPN is an open source virtual private network (VPN) product that offers simplified security, a modular network design and cross-platform portability.

OpenVPN (open source virtual private network) - OpenVPN is an open source virtual private network (VPN) product that offers simplified security, a modular network design and cross-platform portability.

OpenVZ - Virtuozzo is a software application for enterprise server virtualization that allows an administrator to create virtual environments on a host computer at the operating system (OS) layer.

OpenZFS - OpenZFS is an open-source file system and logical volume manager for highly scalable storage with built-in features such as replication, deduplication, compression, snapshots, and data protection.

Opera - Opera is a Web browser that provides some advantages over the two most popular browsers from Netscape and Microsoft.

operand - In computers, an operand is the part of a computer instruction that specifies data that is to be operating on or manipulated and, by extension, the data itself.

operating model - An operating model is a visual representation of how an organization delivers value to its internal and external customers.

operating system - An operating system (OS) is the program that, after being initially loaded into the computer by a boot program, manages all of the other application programs in a computer.

operating system (OS) - An operating system (OS) is the program that, after being initially loaded into the computer by a boot program, manages all of the other application programs in a computer.

operating system clustering - Hardware clustering (sometimes called operating system clustering) is a hardware-based method of turning multiple servers into a cluster (a group of servers that acts like a single system).

operating system commanding - OS commanding is a method of attacking a Web server by remotely gaining access to the operating system (OS) and then executing system commands through a browser.

operation - An operation, in mathematics and computer science, is an action that is carried out to accomplish a given task.

Operation Phish Phry - Operation Phish Phry is a cybercrime investigation carried out by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Los Angeles Electronic Crimes Task Force and Egyptian authorities.

operational costs - Definition - In information technology, operational costs document the price of running of IT services on a day-to-day basis.

operational data store - An operational data store (ODS) is a type of database that's often used as an interim logical area for a data warehouse.

operational data store (ODS) - An operational data store (ODS) is a type of database that's often used as an interim logical area for a data warehouse.

operational efficiency - Operational efficiency is the ability of an organization to reduce waste in time, effort and materials as much as possible, while still producing a high-quality service or product.

operational excellence - Operational excellence is a methodology of striving for efficacy throughout an organization’s processes.

operational expenditure - An operational expenditure (Opex) is the money a company spends on an ongoing, day-to-day basis in order to run a business or system.

operational intelligence (OI) - Operational intelligence (OI) is an approach to data analysis that enables decisions and actions in business operations to be based on real-time data as it's generated or collected by companies.

operational level agreement - An operational level agreement (OLA) is a contract that defines how various IT groups within a company plan to deliver a service or set of services.

operational level agreement (OLA) - An operational level agreement (OLA) is a contract that defines how various IT groups within a company plan to deliver a service or set of services.

operational performance management - Operational performance management (OPM) is the alignment of all business units within an organization to ensure that they are working together to achieve core business goals.

operational performance management (OPM) - Operational performance management (OPM) is the alignment of all business units within an organization to ensure that they are working together to achieve core business goals.

operational risk - Operational risk is the prospect of loss resulting from inadequate or failed procedures, systems or policies.

operational support system - An operational support system (OSS) is a set of programs that help a communications service provider monitor, control, analyze and manage a telephone or computer network.

operational support system (OSS) - An operational support system (OSS) is a set of programs that help a communications service provider monitor, control, analyze and manage a telephone or computer network.

operational technology (OT) - Operational technology (OT) is a category of hardware and software that monitors and controls how physical devices perform.

operations administration and management - OA&M (operations, administration, and management) is a general term used to describe the costs, tasks involved, or other aspects of operating, administering, and managing something such as a computer network.

operations research - Operations research (OR) is an analytical method of problem-solving and decision-making that is useful in the management of organizations.

operations research (OR) - Operations research (OR) is an analytical method of problem-solving and decision-making that is useful in the management of organizations.

operator - In mathematics, an operator is a character that represents an action, as for example x is an arithmetic operator that represents multiplication.

OPEX - An operational expenditure (Opex) is the money a company spends on an ongoing, day-to-day basis in order to run a business or system.

Opex (operational expenditure) - An operational expenditure (Opex) is the money a company spends on an ongoing, day-to-day basis in order to run a business or system.

OpLock (opportunistic lock) - OpLocks are made to enable simultaneous file access by multiple users while also improving performance for synchronized caches.

OPM - Operational performance management (OPM) is the alignment of all business units within an organization to ensure that they are working together to achieve core business goals.

OPML - Outline Processor Markup Language (OPML) is an XML file format used for creating outlines.

OPML (Outline Processor Markup Language) - Outline Processor Markup Language (OPML) is an XML file format used for creating outlines.

opportunity cost - Opportunity costs are benefits that aren't realized because an alternative option is chosen.

opposition research (oppo) - Opposition research, also known as oppo research and sometimes just oppo, is the process of seeking out information to use against an adversary such as a political opponent or business competitor.

OPS - Open Profiling Standard (OPS) is a proposed standard for how Web users can control the personal information they share with Web sites.

OPSEC (operational security) - OPSEC (operational security) is an analytical process that identifies assets such as sensitive corporate information or trade secrets, and determines the controls required to protect these assets.

Opt-In Email - Opt-in email is a Web marketing term for email that recipients have previously requested by signing up at a Web site or special ad banner.

opt-out - Opt-out communications are messages sent for marketing, promotion or fundraising that include an option for the recipient to be removed from any future messages.

optical amplifier - An erbium amplifier, also called optical amplifier or an erbium-doped fiber amplifier or EDFA, is an optical or IR repeater that amplifies a modulated laser beam directly, without opto-electronic and electro-optical conversion.

Optical Carrier levels - The Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) includes a set of signal rate multiples for transmitting digital signals on optical fiber.

Optical Carrier levels (OCx) - The Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) includes a set of signal rate multiples for transmitting digital signals on optical fiber.

optical character recognition - OCR (optical character recognition) is the use of technology to distinguish printed or handwritten text characters inside digital images of physical documents, such as a scanned paper document.

optical computer - An optical computer (also called a photonic computer) is a device that uses the photons in visible light or infrared (IR) beams,rather than electric current, to perform digital computations.

optical computer (photonic computer) - An optical computer (also called a photonic computer) is a device that uses the photons in visible light or infrared (IR) beams,rather than electric current, to perform digital computations.

optical coupler - An optoisolator (also optical coupler or optocoupler) is a component that uses light to transfer electrical signals between circuits to keep them electrically isolated from each other, preventing surges.

optical disc - An optical disc is an electronic data storage medium that can be written to and read from using a low-powered laser beam.

optical disk - An optical disc is an electronic data storage medium that can be written to and read from using a low-powered laser beam.

optical fiber - Fiber optics, or optical fiber, refers to the medium and the technology associated with the transmission of information as light pulses along a glass or plastic strand or fiber.

optical line terminal (OLT) - An optical line terminal (OLT) is a device that is located at the service provider's central office and is the endpoint of a passive optical network (PON).

optical media - Optical media - such as the compact disk (CD) - are storage media that hold content in digital form and that are written and read by a laser; these media include all the various CD and DVD variations, as well as optical jukeboxes and autochangers.

optical mouse - An optical mouse is an advanced computer pointing device that uses a light-emitting diode (LED), an optical sensor, and digital signal processing (DSP) in place of the traditional mouse ball and electromechanical transducer.

optical network - An optical (photonic) network transmits information as optical rather than electronic signals: It uses light, not electrical currents, to convey data.

optical network (photonic network) - An optical (photonic) network transmits information as optical rather than electronic signals: It uses light, not electrical currents, to convey data.

optical storage - Optical storage is any storage type in which data is written and read with a laser.

optical transceiver chip - An optical transceiver chip is an integrated circuit (IC) that transmits and receives data using optical fiber rather than electrical wire.

optical wireless - Optical wireless refers to the conbined use of two technologies - conventional radio-frequency (RF) wireless and optical fiber - for telecommunication.

Optivity Telephony Manager - Optivity Telephony Manager (OTM) is an application that provides single-point analysis, configuration, and management of telephony networks using a Web browser or graphical user interface (GUI).

Optivity Telephony Manager (OTM) - Optivity Telephony Manager (OTM) is an application that provides single-point analysis, configuration, and management of telephony networks using a Web browser or graphical user interface (GUI).

optocoupler - An optoisolator (also optical coupler or optocoupler) is a component that uses light to transfer electrical signals between circuits to keep them electrically isolated from each other, preventing surges.

optoelectronics - Optoelectronics is a branch of electronics that overlaps with physics.

optoisolator - An optoisolator (also optical coupler or optocoupler) is a component that uses light to transfer electrical signals between circuits to keep them electrically isolated from each other, preventing surges.

optoisolator (optical coupler or optocoupler) - An optoisolator (also optical coupler or optocoupler) is a component that uses light to transfer electrical signals between circuits to keep them electrically isolated from each other, preventing surges.

OQPSK - Staggered quadrature phase-shift keying (SQPSK), also known as offset quadrature phase-shift keying (OQPSK), is a method of phase-shift keying (PSK) in which the signal carrier-wave phase transition is always 90 degrees or 1/4 cycle at a time.

OR - A logic gate is an elementary building block of a digital circuit.

OR - Operations research (OR) is an analytical method of problem-solving and decision-making that is useful in the management of organizations.

Oracle - Oracle is one of the largest vendors in the enterprise IT market and the shorthand name of its flagship product, a relational database management system (RDBMS) that's formally called Oracle Database.

Oracle Autonomous Database - Oracle Autonomous Database is a cloud-based technology designed to automate many of the routine tasks required to manage Oracle databases, which Oracle says can free up database administrators (DBAs) to do higher-level and more strategic work.

Oracle Big Data Appliance - Oracle Big Data Appliance is a converged hardware and software platform for big data that can be used to capture and analyze data from a wide variety of sources.

Oracle Cloud - Oracle Cloud is the database company’s public cloud service offering.

Oracle Commerce Platform - Oracle Commerce Platform is omnichannel technology that integrates customer data into a 360-degree customer view.

Oracle Communications Network Charging and Control (OCNCC) - Oracle Communications Network Charging and Control (OCNCC) is a product from the telecommunications industry used for real-time charging and session control.

Oracle Content Management - Oracle Content Management is a complete content management system made by Oracle Corporation.

Oracle Critical Patch Update (Oracle CPU) - The Oracle Critical Patch Update (CPU) is an ongoing series of regularly issued fixes for security flaws in products made by or maintained by software giant Oracle Corp.

Oracle Customer Experience Cloud (Oracle CX Cloud) - The Oracle Customer Experience Cloud (Oracle CX Cloud) is a suite of cloud-based tools for CRM and sales, marketing, customer service, e-commerce and other tools.

Oracle Database 12c - The Oracle Database 12c is a high-performance, enterprise-class database.

Oracle Database In-Memory - Oracle Database In-Memory is an optional add-on to Oracle Database 12c that enables Oracle's flagship relational software to function as an in-memory database.

Oracle E-Business Suite - Oracle E-Business Suite is a set of applications for managing business operations, including customer relationship management, enterprise resource planning and supply chain management processes.

Oracle Financial Services Software Limited - Oracle Financial Services Software Limited (OFSSL) is a software provider for the banking and financial services industry.

Oracle Financial Services Software Limited (OFSSL) - Oracle Financial Services Software Limited (OFSSL) is a software provider for the banking and financial services industry.

Oracle Fusion Applications - Oracle Fusion Applications is an all-encompassing suite of Oracle applications built for enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM), human capital management (HCM) and other business tasks.

Oracle Hyperion - Hyperion is the business division of Oracle that's known for corporate performance management (CPM) and business intelligence systems.

Oracle NoSQL Database - The Oracle NoSQL Database is a nonrelational, horizontally scalable key-value database, with multiple higher-level data abstractions that support data management as binary key-value pairs, JSON objects, and SQL-like tables.

Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) - Oracle PartnerNetwork, also known as OPN, is a channel partner program that provides resources and benefits for value-added resellers, independent software vendors and other businesses that want to collaborate with Oracle.

Oracle RMAN (Oracle Recovery Manager) - Oracle RMAN (Oracle Recovery Manager) is a utility built into Oracle databases to automate backup and recovery; it includes features not available in third-party backup tools.

Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database - The Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database is an in-memory relational database in which all data is located in random access memory (RAM).

Oracle Unlimited License Agreement (ULA) - An Oracle Unlimited License Agreement (ULA) is an arrangement in which an enterprise pays a single up-front fee to get as many licenses as they want for a specified set of Oracle products over a fixed time frame.

Orange Book - Orange Book is the informal name for Philips and Sony's Recordable CD Standard.

ORB - Also see ORBS, a term easily confused with ORB.

Orbi Outdoor Satellite - Orbi Outdoor Satellite is a device used to extend Wi-Fi network coverage and signal strength for Netgear’s Orbi Wi-Fi router, allowing the use of mobile devices from beyond a house and into a bigger area, such as a large backyard.

ORBS - A similar but unrelated term is ORB (Object Request Broker).

ORBS (Open Relay Behavior-modification System) - A similar but unrelated term is ORB (Object Request Broker).

order management - Order management is the administration of business processes related to orders for goods or services.

order of magnitude - An order of magnitude is an exponential change of plus-or-minus 1 in the value of a quantity or unit.

order to cash - Order to cash (OTC or O2C) is a set of business processes that involve receiving and fulfilling customer requests for goods or services.

order to cash (OTC or O2C) - Order to cash (OTC or O2C) is a set of business processes that involve receiving and fulfilling customer requests for goods or services.

ordinal - Ordinal refers to the sequence in which something is in relation to others of its kind.

org - "org" is one of the generic top-level domain names that can be used when choosing a domain name.

organic LED - OLED (organic light-emitting diode) is a display technology, pioneered and patented by Kodak, based on the use of organic polymer material as the semiconductor material in light-emitting diodes (LEDs).

organic light-emitting diodes - OLED (organic light-emitting diode) is a display technology, pioneered and patented by Kodak, based on the use of organic polymer material as the semiconductor material in light-emitting diodes (LEDs).

organic search results - Organic search results are the listings on a search engine results page (SERP) that appear because of factors such as relevance to the search term rather than because of search engine marketing (SEM) or trickery.

organic thin film transistor - Organic thin-film transistor (OTFT) technology involves the use of organic semiconducting compounds in electronic components, notably computer displays.

organic thin-film transistor - Organic thin-film transistor (OTFT) technology involves the use of organic semiconducting compounds in electronic components, notably computer displays.

organic thin-film transistor (OTFT) - Organic thin-film transistor (OTFT) technology involves the use of organic semiconducting compounds in electronic components, notably computer displays.

organic transistor - Organic thin-film transistor (OTFT) technology involves the use of organic semiconducting compounds in electronic components, notably computer displays.

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) - The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is a collaborative inter-governmental body dedicated to furthering economic progress and world trade.

Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards - OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards) is a nonprofit, international consortium whose goal is to promote the adoption of product-independent standards for information formats such as Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), Extensible Markup Language (XML), and Hypertext Markup Language (HTML).

organizational change management - Organizational change management (OCM) is a framework for managing the effect of new business processes, changes in organizational structure or cultural changes within an enterprise.

organizational change management (OCM) - Organizational change management (OCM) is a framework for managing the effect of new business processes, changes in organizational structure or cultural changes within an enterprise.

organizational goals - Organizational goals are strategic objectives that a company's management establishes to outline expected outcomes and guide employees' efforts.

organizational network analysis (ONA) - Organizational network analysis (ONA) is a quantitative method for modeling and analyzing how communications, information, decisions and resources flow through an organization.

organizational unit (OU) - An organizational unit (OU) is a container within a Microsoft Active Directory domain which can hold users, groups and computers.

original equipment manufacturer - OEM, or original equipment manufacturer, is a broad term that describes a web of relationships among IT hardware vendors, hardware component makers, software vendors and channel partners such as resellers and distributors.

ORM - Object-relational mapping (ORM) is a mechanism that makes it possible to address, access and manipulate objects without having to consider how those objects relate to their data sources.

orphan account - An orphan account, also referred to as an orphaned account, is a user account that can provide access to corporate systems, services and applications but does not have a valid owner.

orphan file - On a computer's hard drive, an orphan file is a support file (such as a DLL file) that no longer serves a purpose because the "parent" application it is associated with has been moved or uninstalled.

orr.f - Radio frequency (RF) is a measurement representing the oscillation rate of electromagnetic radiation spectrum, or electromagnetic radio waves, from frequencies ranging from 300 GHz to as low as 9 kHz.

ORTC (Object Real-Time Communications) - ORTC (object real-time communications) is an open source component of WebRTC that enables mobile endpoints to talk to servers and Web browsers with real-time communications capabilities.

orthogonal - Orthogonal concepts have their roots in advanced mathematics.

orthogonal frequency division multiplexing - Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) is a method of data transmission where a single information stream is split among several closely spaced narrowband subchannel frequencies instead of a single wideband channel frequency.

orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing - Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) is a method of data transmission where a single information stream is split among several closely spaced narrowband subchannel frequencies instead of a single wideband channel frequency.

orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) - Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) is a method of data transmission where a single information stream is split among several closely spaced narrowband subchannel frequencies instead of a single wideband channel frequency.

OS - An operating system (OS) is the program that, after being initially loaded into the computer by a boot program, manages all of the other application programs in a computer.

OS 10 - OS X is version 10 of the Apple Macintosh operating system.

OS commanding - OS commanding is a method of attacking a Web server by remotely gaining access to the operating system (OS) and then executing system commands through a browser.

OS Security - Application security is the use of software, hardware, and procedural methods to protect applications from external threats.

OS X - OS X is version 10 of the Apple Macintosh operating system.

OS/2 - OS/2 is an IBM operating system for the personal computer that, when introduced in 1987, was intended to provide an alternative to Microsoft Windows for both enterprise and personal PC users.

OS/390 - OS/390 is the IBM operating system most commonly installed on its S/390 line of mainframe server.

OS/400 - OS/400 is IBM's operating system for its AS/400 and AS/400e line of business computers.

OSA - Open System Authentication (OSA) is a process by which a computer can gain access to a wireless network that uses the Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) protocol.

OSBI - Open source business intelligence (BI) is, technically, free BI.

Osborne Effect - The Osborne Effect is a reduction in sales of current products after the announcement of a future product.

oscillate - Oscillation, in general, is a periodic fluctuation between two things; in the broadest sense, oscillation can occur in anything from a person's decision-making process to tides and the pendulum of a clock.

oscillation - Oscillation, in general, is a periodic fluctuation between two things; in the broadest sense, oscillation can occur in anything from a person's decision-making process to tides and the pendulum of a clock.

oscillator - An oscillator is a mechanical or electronic device that works on the principles of oscillation: a periodic fluctuation between two things based on changes in energy.

oscilloscope - An oscilloscope is a laboratory instrument commonly used to display and analyze the waveform of electronic signals.

OSD - An on-screen display (OSD) is a control panel on a computer monitor or television screen that allows you to select viewing options and/or adjust components of the display, such as brightness, contrast, and horizontal and vertical positioning.

OSDL - Open Source Development Labs (OSDL) is a nonprofit corporation founded by IBM, Intel, and Computer Associates to support Linux developers and users.

OSF - The Open Software Foundation (OSF) was a pioneer industry-sponsored organization whose purpose was to foster, identify, and, in some cases, develop software technologies that could serve as industry and perhaps eventually national and international standards.

OSGi - OSGi (Open Service Gateway Initiative) is Java framework for developing and deploying modular software programs and libraries.

OSGi - OSGi (Open Service Gateway Initiative) is an industry plan for a standard way to connect devices such as home appliances and security systems to the Internet.

OSGi (Open Service Gateway Initiative) - OSGi (Open Service Gateway Initiative) is Java framework for developing and deploying modular software programs and libraries.

OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is a federal organization (part of the Department of Labor) that ensures safe and healthy working conditions for Americans by enforcing standards and providing workplace safety training.

OSI - OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) is a reference model for how applications communicate over a network.

OSI model (Open Systems Interconnection) - OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) is a reference model for how applications communicate over a network.

OSP - On the Internet, OSP (online service provider) has several different meanings.

OSPF - The OSPF router protocol is used to find the best path for packets as they pass through a set of connected networks.

OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) - The OSPF router protocol is used to find the best path for packets as they pass through a set of connected networks.

OSS - An operational support system (OSS) is a set of programs that help a communications service provider monitor, control, analyze and manage a telephone or computer network.

OSS - Online Service System (OSS) is a name that SAP has used to describe its provision of online access by users to a company's R/3 applications and data.

OSS - Open source software (OSS) refers to software that is developed, tested, or improved through public collaboration and distributed with the idea that code must be shared with others.

ost - An OST file is an offline folder file in Microsoft Outlook.

OST file - An OST file is an offline folder file in Microsoft Outlook.

OST file (.ost) - An OST file is an offline folder file in Microsoft Outlook.

OTA - Over The Air (OTA) (or Over-The-Air) is a standard for the transmission and reception of application-related information in a wireless communications system.

OTA update (over-the-air update) - An over-the-air (OTA) update is the wireless delivery of new software, firmware, or other data to mobile devices.

OTC - Order to cash (OTC or O2C) is a set of business processes that involve receiving and fulfilling customer requests for goods or services.

OTFT - Organic thin-film transistor (OTFT) technology involves the use of organic semiconducting compounds in electronic components, notably computer displays.

OTM - Optivity Telephony Manager (OTM) is an application that provides single-point analysis, configuration, and management of telephony networks using a Web browser or graphical user interface (GUI).

OTS - A common test platform (CTP), also called an open test standard (OTS), is a set of specifications defining test methods for diverse components of computer and electronic systems to be marketed as complete products.

OTTO protocol - OTTO (OUCH To Trade Options) is a digital communications protocol that allows customers of the NASDAQ (National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations) to conduct business in the options market.

OTTO protocol (OUCH To Trade Options) - OTTO (OUCH To Trade Options) is a digital communications protocol that allows customers of the NASDAQ (National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations) to conduct business in the options market.

OUCH protocol - OUCH is a digital communications protocol that allows customers of the NASDAQ (National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations) to conduct business in the options market.

OUCH To Trade Options - OTTO (OUCH To Trade Options) is a digital communications protocol that allows customers of the NASDAQ (National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations) to conduct business in the options market.

Ouch to Trade Options protocol - OTTO (OUCH To Trade Options) is a digital communications protocol that allows customers of the NASDAQ (National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations) to conduct business in the options market.

Our Favorite Cheat Sheets - A collection of our favorite IT cheatsheets, tips and tricks.

Our Favorite IT Sniglets - A sniglet is a word that should be in the dictionary but isn't.

Our Favorite Technology Blogs - A comprehensive listing of information technology-related blogs selected by the editors of WhatIs.

Our Favorite Technology Quotations - These are some of our favorite quotations about computers, the Internet, and technology in general.

Oura ring - Oura ring is a wearable device made to measure the quality of the wearer’s sleep.

out of order execution - Out-of-order execution (OoOE) is an approach to processing that allows instructions for high-performance microprocessors to begin execution as soon as their operands are ready.

out-of-band authentication - Out-of-band authentication is a type of two-factor authentication that requires a secondary verification method through a separate communication channel along with the typical ID and password.

out-of-band patch - An out-of-band patch is a patch released at some time other than the normal release time.

out-of-order execution - Out-of-order execution (OoOE) is an approach to processing that allows instructions for high-performance microprocessors to begin execution as soon as their operands are ready.

out-of-order execution (OoOE) - Out-of-order execution (OoOE) is an approach to processing that allows instructions for high-performance microprocessors to begin execution as soon as their operands are ready.

outbound call - An outbound call is one initiated by a call center agent to a customer on behalf of a call center or client.

outbound call center - An outbound call center is one in which call center agents make outbound calls to customers on behalf of a business or client.

outbound marketing - Outbound marketing is a traditional form of marketing and in which a company initiates contact with potential customers, or leads.

outcome economy - Outcome economy describes an economy based on the marketing, pricing and selling of the results provided by goods and services rather than their face value.

outlet - A female connector is a connector attached to a wire, cable, or piece of hardware, having one or more recessed holes with electrical terminals inside, and constructed in such a way that a plug with exposed conductors (male connector) can be inserted snugly into it to ensure a reliable physical and electrical connection.

outlier - An outlier is a single data point that goes far outside the average value of a group of statistics.

outline - An outliner application is a text editor that gives the user control of the visible level of detail of a textual outline, allowing browsing and reorganization of the content according to its structure.

Outline Processor Markup Language - Outline Processor Markup Language (OPML) is an XML file format used for creating outlines.

Outliner - An outliner application is a text editor that gives the user control of the visible level of detail of a textual outline, allowing browsing and reorganization of the content according to its structure.

Outlook Anywhere - Microsoft Outlook Anywhere is a software feature that allows end users with Microsoft Office Outlook 2010, Outlook 2007 or Outlook 2003 to access corporate email and calendars over the Internet from outside the corporate domain without having to log into a virtual private network (VPN).

Outlook Cheat Sheets - We've gathered resources from around the Web to help you work more effectively in Outlook.

Outlook Web App - Outlook on the web is the browser-based email client for users to access email, calendars, tasks and contacts from Microsoft's on-premises Exchange Server and cloud-based Exchange Online.

output feedback - In cryptography, output feedback (OFB) is a mode of operation for a block cipher.

output feedback (OFB) - In cryptography, output feedback (OFB) is a mode of operation for a block cipher.

outsource - Outsourcing is a business practice in which a company hires a third-party to perform tasks, handle operations or provide services for the company.

outsourcing - Outsourcing is a business practice in which a company hires a third-party to perform tasks, handle operations or provide services for the company.

over provisioning - Overprovisioning, in a storage context, is the inclusion of extra storage capacity in a flash solid state drive (SSD).

over sampling and under sampling - Over sampling and under sampling are techniques used in data mining and data analytics to modify unequal data classes to create balanced data sets.

Over the Air - Over The Air (OTA) (or Over-The-Air) is a standard for the transmission and reception of application-related information in a wireless communications system.

Over the Air (OTA) - Over The Air (OTA) (or Over-The-Air) is a standard for the transmission and reception of application-related information in a wireless communications system.

Over-the-Air - Over The Air (OTA) (or Over-The-Air) is a standard for the transmission and reception of application-related information in a wireless communications system.

over-the-top (OTT) - Over-the-top (OTT) is networking lingo that describes the delivery of content, services or applications over the internet.

overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) - Overall equipment effectiveness is a measure of manufacturing operations performance and productivity, expressed in a percentage.

overclocking - Overclocking is resetting some computer component so that it runs faster than the manufacturer-specified speed.

overcommitment - Memory overcommit (or overcommitment) is a hypervisor feature that allows a virtual machine (VM) to use more memory space than the physical host has available.

overfitting - Overfitting is the incorrect optimizing of an artificial intelligence (AI) model, where the seeking of accuracy goes too far and may result in false positives.

overhead - In business accounting, overhead is general operating expenses, including such items as heat and electricity for the premises, that have no direct relationship to the production or selling of a company's goods and services.

Overheard in the tech blogosphere (July 2008) - A quiz about blog quotes: Who said 'Microsoft would have us believe that helping your neighbor is the equivalent of attacking a ship?'.

overlay network - An overlay network is a telecommunications network that is built on top of another network and is supported by its infrastructure.

overprovisioning (SSD overprovisioning) - Overprovisioning, in a storage context, is the inclusion of extra storage capacity in a flash solid state drive (SSD).

oversharing - Oversharing is the disclosure of an inappropriate amount of detail.

overstuffing - Spamdexing, coined from spam and index, is the practice of including information in a Web page that causes search engines to index it in some way that produces results that satisfy the spamdexer but usually dissatisify the search engine providers and users.

oversubscription - Oversubscription, in a SAN (storage area network) switching environment, is the practice of connecting multiple devices to the same switch port to optimize switch use.

oVirt - OVirt is an open source data center virtualization platform developed and promoted by Red Hat.

OVSDB (Open vSwitch Database Management Protocol) - The Open vSwitch Database Management Protocol (OVSDB) is an OpenFlow configuration protocol that is designed to manage Open vSwitch implementations.

OWA - Outlook on the web is the browser-based email client for users to access email, calendars, tasks and contacts from Microsoft's on-premises Exchange Server and cloud-based Exchange Online.

OWASP - The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is a not-for-profit group that helps organizations develop, purchase, and maintain software applications that can be trusted.

OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) - The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is a not-for-profit group that helps organizations develop, purchase, and maintain software applications that can be trusted.

OWASP Top Ten - The OWASP Top Ten is a list of the 10 most dangerous current Web application security flaws, along with effective methods of dealing with those flaws.

owned - Owned, in common slang, means decisively defeated, with the implication of domination and possession.

owned media/earned media/paid media - Owned, earned and paid media are three different types of advertising content used by digital marketing teams to create a complete and effective marketing strategy.

ownership tag - An ownership tag is a security feature on Compaq computers, consisting of an encrypt ed text string that displays at startup to uniquely identify a computer.


Glossary Letter N